Iran Joins World Club of Top Four Countries Producing FMD Vaccine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The caretaker of Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture on Thursday that the country is now one of the four countries producing the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine.

With the inauguration of the production line of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine, Iran joined the world club of the top four countries in the field of producing FMD vaccine, Seyed Mohammad Aghamiri stated.

Speaking in the inaugural ceremony of the largest production line of the FMD vaccine in the Sepehr Industrial Town of Nazarabad, near Tehran, the official noted that domestic producers are also producing other animal vaccines inside the country.

Up to 91 percent of animal vaccines are produced by domestic experts in the country and there is no need to import them from other countries, he emphasized.

Production of FMD vaccine in the country will prevent capital flight as much as $60 million annually, Aghamiri highlighted.

With the planning made in this regard, in addition to meeting the domestic demand, exporting FMD vaccine will earn $40 million for the country, he concluded.