Iranian Flotilla Returns Home after Overseas Mission

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The 92nd fleet of the Iranian Navy’s warships returned to the southern port city of Bandar Abbas on Saturday after completing a mission that took 86 days to complete.

The naval fleet, with the Sahand destroyer acting as the flagship, berthed at Bandar Abbas on Saturday morning after traveling 18,000 kilometers in international waters.

The main mission of the flotilla was to protect the Islamic Republic’s interests, ensure the security of trade vessels and oil tankers in the Red Sea and fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden.

The Navy’s 93rd flotilla, including the Jamaran destroyer, has replaced its predecessor and been deployed to the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea waters.

The Iranian Navy commanders say the presence of naval forces in international waters has discouraged the enemies from taking any hostile action.

In May, the Navy’s 86th flotilla of warships completed an overseas mission in which it sailed around the world as part of the country’s efforts to expand its naval presence in high seas.

The flotilla, comprising the domestically-manufactured Dena destroyer and Makran forward base ship, sailed 63,000 kilometers of sea routes over eight months and completed a circumnavigation of the globe in 360 degrees.