Zionists’ Nightmare of Collapse Coming True: Iran’s Top General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces applauded the Palestinian resistance forces for a glorious surprise hybrid military strike against the Zionist enemy, saying the Al-Aqsa Storm operation proved to the Israeli leaders that their nightmare of downfall is coming true.

In a message released on Sunday, Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said the Al-Aqsa Storm hybrid operation launched by the Palestinian resistance groups against the positions of the Zionist regime, which is armed to the teeth, has once again laid bare the fake and hollow power of the Israeli occupation regime.

He also paid tribute to the Palestinian fighters for creating stellar scenes of resistance and exhibiting the perseverance of an oppressed nation by staging a surprise attack from the sea, air and ground against the Zionist regime’s army.

The Palestinian nation, which has been suffering from imposed cruelty for decades, has now gained such great power with reliance on its young motivated generation and Islam that it has transfixed military analysts and strategists across the world, the top commander noted.

The Iranian general added that the Palestinian forces’ hybrid operation that included the launch of thousands of rockets and missiles has dealt devastating blows to the Zionist enemy and humiliated Israel’s air defense capabilities and its so-called Iron Dome system.

Palestine’s defense weaponry coupled with high morale generate such massive power that they smash the Zionist regime like a devastating flood, Major General Baqeri said, describing the Al-Aqsa Storm operation as the result of a “sacred wrath” that the Zionist enemy has provoked among the oppressed Palestinian people. 

The Zionist regime’s leaders have become confident after the Al-Aqsa Storm operation that their nightmare of the collapse of the regime is coming true, the top Iranian commander stated, saying the strike proved that desperate attempts such as the ridiculous plans for normalization of ties with Israel won’t slow down or delay the collapse of the Zionist regime, akin to a spider’s web.

Lauding the Palestinian combatants on their glorious victory in the military operation, the Iranian commander expressed confidence that the young Palestinian forces will soon liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Zionist occupation.

Reports say at least 350 Israelis have been killed and over 1,600 injured as a result of the surprise Palestinian offensive that was launched on Saturday. The operation combined fighters crossing the fence into Israeli-occupied cities with a heavy barrage of rockets from the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Zionist regime has launched brutal aerial attacks on the residential areas of Gaza, killing at least 250 Palestinians and injuring 1,800 others.