US Commanders in Tel Aviv to Direct Gaza Onslaught: Iranian General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Intelligence obtained by Iran indicates that American military commanders have gone to Tel Aviv to aid and abet the Zionist regime in its brutal atrocities against the people of Gaza, an Iranian general said.

Addressing a conference of Police officials on Tuesday, Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Headquarters Major General Gholam Ali Rashid condemned the Israeli regime’s barbaric crimes against the defenseless Palestinians in Gaza.

He said the Iranian Armed Forces’ intelligence demonstrates that the commanders of the CENTCOM (the United States Central Command) as well as the US Army and Navy commanders are in an underground base in Tel Aviv in the company of Israeli commanders to supervise and direct the Zionist regime’s brutal onslaught against the Palestinian people.

“This reveals that the US’ measures contradict its claims on restricting the war in the region, considering the dispatch of thousands of destructive bombs and missiles to the occupied Palestine and the directions and support (for Israel) on the field,” the Iranian general added, denouncing the US government’s hypocrisy and duplicity.

General Rashid also expressed confidence that the Palestinian resistance will inflict defeat on the Zionist regime and the US.

At least 8,306 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza in Israeli attacks since October 7, when Hamas launched a surprise operation outside Gaza.

UN officials have appealed to the Security Council for a ceasefire, as the head of UNICEF warns that more than 420 children are being killed or injured in Gaza every day.