UN Expert Condemns Israeli Bombing of Civilian Infrastructure as War Crimes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The UN’s special rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, said Israel's "systematic" targeting of civilian housing and facilities in Gaza constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law and amounts to war crimes.

"Such acts amount to war crimes and when directed against a civilian population, they also amount to crimes against humanity," Rajagopal said in a statement.

His remarks underscore the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for international action to address these violations. 

Furthermore, Rajagopal emphasized that even when fighters take shelter within civilian housing, as Israel alleged was the case in its attacks on the Jabalia refugee camp, international law still prohibits these buildings from being considered legitimate targets.

This reaffirms the principle that the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure remains paramount even in the midst of armed conflicts.

The United Nations has reported that Israel's actions have resulted in the destruction of 45 percent of all housing units in Gaza since October 7, leading to the internal displacement of approximately 1.5 million people.

The scale of destruction and displacement highlights the urgent need for a resolution to the conflict that respects the rights and safety of the civilian population.

In a related development, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called for an investigation into an Israeli strike on an ambulance, deeming it a possible war crime.

HRW has also issued a strong warning to nations against supplying weapons that may be used in unlawful attacks.