Influence of Basij Extends Beyond Iran: Top General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s highest-ranking military commander lauded the Basij (mobilization forces) as a stellar milestone in the history of the Islamic Revolution, saying the philosophy and influence of Basij have inspired other regional Muslim nations.

In a message on Saturday, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said Basij, 44 years after its establishment, has become so impressive that its benefits are not anymore confined to the social services, construction projects, relief aid supports, or settlement of the social, cultural and economic problems.

The ideology and philosophy of Basij has gone beyond the borders of Iran, as the force has emerged as a reliable support and beacon of hope for the regional Muslim nations, particularly for the oppressed and resistant Palestinian nation, the general added.  

He also hailed Basij as the embodiment of movement of the revolutionary youth for meeting the demands of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Establishment in a responsible manner.

In a message on the anniversary of formation of Basij in November 2020, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei hailed it as a major and stellar legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, a symbol of national might, and an exhibition of piety, insight and endeavor.

“Basij is the Iranian nation’s great asset and God-given backup,” the Leader said in the message, warned that the enemies of Iran have always attempted to dismantle or nullify the Basij force, and urged Basij members to thwart the enemies’ plots through reliance on God and planning.

Basij is a paramilitary voluntary force established in 1979 on Imam Khomeini's order.

The force consists of often young Iranians, who have volunteered, with a strong sense of fidelity to both the Islamic system and religious beliefs.