Around One-Third of Britons in Favor of UK Rejoining EU, Poll Finds

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Over 70% of people in the United Kingdom want their country to have stronger ties with the European Union, but only 31% support resuming its membership in the bloc, a poll by YouGov showed on Wednesday.

Stronger ties with the EU is something supported by 72% of respondents. At the same time, 30% are in favor of the UK increasing trade with the bloc without joining the single market, while another 11% support joining the single market but without an EU membership, Sputnik reported.

The poll also found that 10% want to keep the UK's relations with the EU at the current level and 9% think the UK should downscale its ties with the bloc.

More than half of respondents, 52%, believe that the withdrawal of the UK from the EU was a wrong decision, and only 34% share the opposite view, according to the YouGov survey.

The poll was conducted among 2,138 adults from November 24-26.

In a 2016 referendum, 51.8% of UK voters chose to end the country's membership in the EU, while 48.1% voted to remain in the union. On January 31, 2020, the country formally left the bloc after 47 years of membership.

A transition period lasted until December 31, 2021, during which the UK was no longer a member of the union, but remained a member of the EU's single market and customs union. London and Brussels managed to negotiate a trade and cooperation agreement during this period.