Russia Condemns Israeli Plan to Flood Gaza Tunnels at UN Meeting

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia’s first deputy permanent representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, condemned Israel’s reported consideration of flooding the “Hamas tunnels” under Gaza with seawater during a Security Council meeting on Friday.

Russia, alongside China and the United Arab Emirates, called for an emergency session, highlighting the deteriorating situation in the Palestinian enclave following the Israel forces' resumed military operations in early December.

Expressing concern, Polyansky stated, “In recent days, shocking information has spread about Israeli plans to flood underground structures in the Gaza Strip with seawater. According to publicly available information, the IDF (Israeli army) has already built a system of pipes and pumps designed to pump seawater, and is currently discussing with the United States the practical possibility of such flooding: will there be enough water, will the ‘topography’ of the tunnels allow it, and so on,” he added, saying, “Such a step, if taken, would constitute a clear war crime.”

The deputy representative outlined the potential fallout, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the proposed flooding and its grave impact on Gaza’s habitability due to contaminated groundwater.

Polyansky also referenced documents suggesting Israel's intention to displace Gaza’s Palestinian population into Egypt, a move attributed to Israeli regime's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration of war on Hamas following a deadly raid by the resistance group.

He criticized Israel’s subsequent military actions, saying the scale of destruction indicated the "indiscriminate" use of force, violating humanitarian law and targeting protected sites.

Polyansky added that he doubted the International Criminal Court would do anything, as it will not act “against its Western masters.”

The ICC is likely to “forgive” Israel just as it turned a blind eye to Western atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, he added.