Artists Rally at Art Basel Miami Beach for Palestine Peace

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Art Basel Miami Beach witnessed an unconventional gathering on Friday, where a group of local artists took to protesting outside the art fair.

They unfurled a large banner reading “Let Palestine Live” as approximately 100 people rallied, waving Palestinian flags and holding signs advocating for a permanent ceasefire amid the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza.

Expressing condemnation for Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, the artists voiced their concerns, particularly criticizing Miami-Dade County's $76 million investment in Israeli bonds. The recent Israeli assaults on Gaza, which have resulted in the deaths of over 17,500 Palestinians, drew strong condemnation from international aid agencies, according to the Miami Herald.

Monica Uszerowicz, an arts writer and organizer of the protest, emphasized the art world's need to address global socio-political issues. Uszerowicz stressed the importance of local artists voicing their values and advocating for human life in their community.

Jewish Voice for Peace South Florida and South Florida Coalition for Palestine, along with several other local groups, joined the demonstration to demand justice for Palestinians. Simultaneously, 120 pilots protested outside the convention center against NetJets, citing issues of pay and working conditions.

While the pro-Palestinian demonstration remained peaceful, some tense moments occurred between Miami Beach police and demonstrators. Two protesters were arrested, sparking controversy over the police handling of the situation, especially as demonstrators were reportedly cooperative.

Amid the artistic event, the protest served as a reminder of the constant realities and the urgency to address ongoing humanitarian crises.

Artists and demonstrators stressed the need for a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid to Gaza. Their chants and passionate calls for peace echoed through the streets, demanding an end to violence and advocating for Palestinian rights. Amidst the voices, Mar Sublaban, a Palestinian-American artist, shared her concerns for family in Jerusalem al-Quds and the West Bank, expressing the power of artists to bring forth the emotional truth in such conflicts.

The demonstration, held during Miami's Art Week, aimed to shed light on the human impact of the conflict, with artists using their platform to speak out against the Israeli violence and express solidarity with the people of Gaza. Sublaban concluded the protest by sharing a heartfelt poem, symbolizing the enduring spirit and love of the Palestinian people.