Polish Lawmaker Extinguishes Hanukkah Candles, Calls Jewish Holiday ‘Satanic Worship’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Hanukkah celebration at the Polish parliament turned chaotic as Grzegorz Braun, a far-right Confederation party lawmaker, used a fire extinguisher to douse menorah candles, labeling the holiday as “satanic worship.”

Hosted in the Polish parliament building on Tuesday, the annual Hanukkah celebration was disrupted by Grzegorz Braun of the Confederation party, who was filmed as he hosed down a large menorah with a fire extinguisher taken from a nearby wall.

The incident was captured in videos making the rounds online, with Braun seen unleashing a cloud of white powder into the event hall as he made his way toward the candles – which represent the eight days of the Hanukkah holiday.

Braun was immediately confronted by other bystanders during the act, with one woman even attempting to physically intervene before taking a blast from the extinguisher.

In a brief statement after the stunt, the lawmaker declared that he was restoring “normalcy,” also labeling Hanukkah as “satanic.” Asked if he was ashamed of what he did, Braun said: “Those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed.”

Parliament speaker Szymon Holownia, who hosted the holiday celebration, called the action “absolutely scandalous,” adding that Braun had been excluded from Tuesday’s parliament session. He said he hoped the MP “would not return soon,” and noted that the incident had been referred to prosecutors for possible legal action.

Later, the speaker added that Braun's salary would be halved for three months, and he would be forced to pay his own expenses for six months, the highest financial penalty permitted for lawmakers.

The MP faced accusations of anti-Semitism after disrupting a lecture on the Holocaust earlier this year, storming the podium and seizing the microphone from Polish-Canadian historian Jan Grabowski before destroying the sound system on stage. Braun insisted his status as a lawmaker gave him legal immunity at the time, and ultimately was not charged for the incident.