Hezbollah Conducts 8 Anti-Israeli Attacks in Support of Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Lebanon's Hezbollah launched eight attacks targeting Israeli military positions on Friday, striking bases and troops as a continued show of support for Palestinians in Gaza.

The resistance movement in Lebanon disclosed its operations, including attacks on Israeli artillery bunkers in Khirbet Ma'ar, Al-Marj, and Ruweisat Al-Qarn, along with two strikes at the Hadab Yaroun site. Hezbollah also targeted Israeli occupation soldiers at the Ramya site and a location between Zar'it barracks and Birket Risha site. Notably, they hit a surveillance equipment-laden crane in Doviv farms.

Highlighting the motive for the strikes, Hezbollah said these actions were executed "in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and solidarity with their courageous and honorable resistance."

Israeli media reported 27 launches from the Lebanese territories towards the Galilee region on Friday, coupled with four warnings of drone intrusion, all hitting their designated targets. Responding to rocket fire reports, the Israeli military claimed strikes on "Hezbollah infrastructure in southern Lebanon," utilizing aircraft, tanks, and artillery.

The fresh round of exchange of fire comes as Israeli officials have stepped up threats against Hezbollah. Benny Gantz, a member of the regime’s war cabinet, said on Wednesday that Israel will restrain Hezbollah if the international community and the Lebanese government don’t do that.

In response, Hezbollah's Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem cautioned Israel, asserting readiness to escalate militarily.

"We are making sacrifices as required by the battle. They are significant, but we confront a grave danger. We stand prepared for further actions when necessary, undeterred by threats or warnings," Qassem affirmed.

Hezbollah's Deputy Chief of the Executive Council Sheikh Ali Daamoush also reiterated the determination to continue operations amid pressures and threats until Israel ceases aggression against Gaza.

The border regions between Lebanon and the occupied territories have witnessed deadly clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah in recent weeks, following Israel's use of internationally-prohibited white phosphorus munitions in attacks on Lebanon.

Hezbollah urged southern Lebanon residents to deactivate CCTV cameras, aiming to thwart potential Israeli hacking attempts. The movement, having repelled two Israeli wars in 2000 and 2006, remains resolute despite Israel's threat of a full-scale war in southern Lebanon if attacks persist.