Russia Triumphing over NATO, Western Sanctions, Says Venezuelan President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia is winning the economic war declared by Western countries, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said.

"Russia is winning the war against the whole of NATO despite all their military spending. Russia has won an economic war against sanctions through enormous efforts and today, Russia’s economic indicators - the economic growth, stability and prosperity - are better than anywhere in Europe and even in the US. It only points to Russia's great inner strength," Maduro pointed out in a traditional interview with Le Monde Diplomatique, TASS reported.

According to the Venezuelan leader, the West is unwilling to search for a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

"The West is obsessed with hatred of Russia and the idea of destroying Russia. There is only one way (to resolve the conflict): they need to build dialogue with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and with Russia based on respect in order to reach an agreement that would guarantee peace and security for Russia and the entire region," Maduro added.