Iran Launches Urgent Legal Actions in Response to Kerman Terrorist Incident

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has initiated legal and international measures following the terrorist attack in Kerman province, aiming to address the tragic event that led to the martyrdom of numerous Iranian citizens, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian announced.

Following the terrorist act in Kerman that resulted in the martyrdom of dozens of Iranians during a ceremony commemorating Lt. General Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom anniversary, Amirabdollahian expressed his sorrow and offered condolences to the martyrs' families and the entire Iranian nation on his personal page on the X social media platform, adding, "Based on preliminary information from official sources, the Foreign Ministry has initiated urgent legal action."

Additionally, Amirabdollahian extended prayers to the Allah Almighty for the speedy recovery of the wounded. Meanwhile, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi, visiting victims of the Kerman terrorist explosion, commended hospital medical staff for treating a significant number of injured individuals, conducting 111 surgeries on the wounded.

Vahidi stated that according to forensic medicine's latest figures, 84 individuals have been confirmed as martyrs, acknowledging that the number may fluctuate as some remain hospitalized in critical conditions without favorable prospects.