Ireland, Germany Warn against Israel's Planned Rafah Offensive

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ireland's Foreign Minister Michael Martin cautioned Israel against launching an offensive in Rafah, stating it would be catastrophic for the roughly 1.5 million refugees there.

Speaking at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, Martin described an attack on Rafah as “absolutely catastrophic” and “unconscionable”, considering the already dire conditions of the refugees.

"Over 1.5 million people are crowded into a very small corner of Gaza. They're weary, they are exhausted, they have nowhere else to go – how can anyone contemplate adding to that trauma?" Martin said, according to Al Jazeera.

Germany has echoed Martin's concerns, with a government spokesperson in Berlin acknowledging the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Rafah. The spokesperson emphasized that if there is to be an offensive, Israel must answer the question of how to evacuate the civilians who are currently sheltering there.

The Israeli regime is planning a ground invasion of Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza, which remains the last key city that Israeli troops have yet to enter. Despite concerns about potential mass casualties among the 1.4 million displaced Palestinians, Israel is determined to extend its ground operation into the city. The full-scale military operations in Gaza are expected to continue for another six to eight weeks in preparation for the invasion.