Iran Protests Kuwait's Approach to Arash Gas Field

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Director-General of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs conveyed Iran's protest to Kuwait's recent approach to the Arash gas field during a meeting with the Kuwaiti ambassador.

Mohammad Alibek, Assistant Minister and Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed Iran's protest and dissatisfaction with Kuwait's approach to Badr Abdullah al-Munikh, the Kuwaiti ambassador to Tehran, on Thursday.

Iran emphasized its belief in reaching an agreement on the Arash field through cooperation and respect for common interests.

Alibek stated that unilateral claims in various statements and media hinder the resolution of the case and will not create any rights for the party expressing these positions.

Iran expressed readiness to conduct new talks with Kuwait in a friendly atmosphere to find a mutually satisfactory solution.

The Kuwaiti ambassador emphasized the historical and friendly relations between the two countries and Kuwait's decision to expand relations, promising to convey the matter to Kuwaiti authorities.