International Outcry Mounts over Israeli Killings of Gaza Aid Workers

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Nations worldwide are united in their call for a thorough investigation into the Israeli military’s deliberate killing of aid workers and aid seekers in the Gaza Strip as well as the lack of clarity surrounding the attacks.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has urged for a comprehensive investigation into the tragic killing of aid workers in Gaza, including a Canadian citizen. Speaking at a NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels, Joly emphasized the importance of upholding international law, stressing that Israel must be held accountable.

The air raids conducted by Israel on the World Central Kitchen convoy, resulting in the deaths of seven aid workers, including a Polish national, have strained relations between Israel and Poland, according to Prime Minister Donald Tusk. In a statement, Tusk noted that the attack on aid workers has put his country’s solidarity with Israel “to a really hard test”. He stated, “The tragic attack on volunteers and your reaction arouse understandable anger.”

Prosecutors in Przemysl, the hometown of Polish aid worker Damian Sobol, are conducting an independent investigation into his killing in Gaza, Deputy District Prosecutor Beata Starzecka informed Poland’s PAP press agency. Sobol was among those killed in the Israeli air strikes on the aid convoy, prompting Poland's prime minister to demand answers from Israel.

American officials, speaking anonymously to US news outlet Politico, have cast doubt on Israeli claims that the killings were “unintentional”. One official highlighted the case of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, underscoring the need for accountability. The official expressed skepticism regarding Israel's commitment to a transparent investigation, citing past incidents where Israeli soldiers went unpunished for similar actions.

“(Israel will) do and say whatever is necessary to maintain the status quo, and I have little hope their investigation will be transparent or honest,” the official is quoted as saying.

Noting that three missiles were used in the convoy attack, another American official said it appeared intentional. “Three hits on three cars in a row is not an accident. We aren’t stupid.”

An investigation by Al Jazeera revealed three separate attacks on vehicles in the convoy, suggesting a deliberate act, according to Omar Ashour, a professor of military and security studies at the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies. Ashour highlighted the need for command-level authorization for such attacks, raising questions about the Israeli military's accountability.

“The Israeli army has been fighting since 1948 onwards in a relatively decentralized way. The ‘tactical aggression’ is very high. They devolve junior officers to take quick decisions on the battlefield without going back to the senior ones. Interestingly, they took this from the Wehrmacht, the German army, in World War II,” Ashour told Al Jazeera.

Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen, condemned the attack in an op-ed for Israeli news site Ynet, describing it as a direct assault on humanitarian efforts. He called on the Israeli government to cease hostilities and facilitate aid delivery to civilians in need.

Despite allegations of a deliberate attack, there has been limited reaction within Israel. Questions persist regarding the command-and-control structure involved in the airstrike, with international stakeholders pressing for a transparent investigation to uncover the truth.

As demands for accountability grow louder from affected nations, the focus remains on whether Israel will provide public access to the findings of the investigation or opt for a more discreet approach.