Al-Nujaba Movement Has Dealt Over 240 Blows to US, Israel: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iraqi al-Nujaba Movement said the Shiite resistance group has dealt more than 240 “fundamental blows” to the American and Israeli forces in Iraq, Syria and the occupied territories.

In an interview with Iran’s state TV, Hussein al-Moussawi said al-Nujaba Movement has always opposed the presence of American forces in Iraq and has carried out many operations against the US.

“We have dealt more than 240 fundamental blows in Iraq, Syria and the occupied territories to the American and Israeli forces,” he said, IRNA reported.

By launching severe attacks against the American and Israeli forces, the al-Nujaba Movement has conveyed the message that the resistance forces in Iraq will stand by their Palestinian brothers until the achievement of final victory, he added.