Resistance Front Merely Observed Iran’s Operation against Israel: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hailing Iran’s single-handed and intentionally-restricted retaliatory military attack against the Israeli regime, the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon said the resistance front’s counties were merely observers amid the Sunday morning’s operation.

In a post on his X account on Sunday, Mojtaba Amani said Iran’s response to the Zionist regime’s criminal airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus attested to a number of facts.

The “Operation True Promise” launched by the IRGC proved that Iran is determined to defend itself, the ambassador said, adding that the Iranian missiles hit the targets at a distance of 1,100 kilometers despite all assistance and supports the US provides for Israel.

“It was clear that Iran had no intention of launching a full-scale attack, restricted it only to punishment, and succeeded in doing so. Iran could have hit more locations with the same tactic,” Amani said.

The envoy to Beirut noted that the resistance front was merely observer in the course of Iran’s operation against Israeli military targets.

He finally warned the Israeli regime and its allies that their gravest mistake would be an attempt to respond to Iran’s operation, because then “Iran’s punitive policy will change.”