Iran Decries West’s Double Standards

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry hit back at the US and European leaders as well as the G7 ministers for their double standards and contradictory stances on the recent developments in the West Asia region.

In a statement on Thursday, Nasser Kanaani lashed out at certain European leaders and the finance ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) nations as well as some US and European officials for releasing statements and making allegations against Iran on the recent developments in West Asia.

He categorically rejected the accusations, saying, “Such stances and claims are in accordance with the well-established approach of these circles and are based on their double and contradictory standards and behaviors.”

Kanaani expressed regret that the so-called claimants and harbingers of international rights and standards adopted a passive and encouraging stance on the aggressor Zionist regime in reaction to the regime’s recent attack on Iran’s diplomatic premises in Damascus, which was a “gross violation of the provisions of the UN Charter and international conventions.”

“Following that, they condemned Iran’s legitimate move and proportionate and deterrent response to the source of the armed aggression,” the spokesman noted, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

“Expressing concern for peace, security, and stability in the region and the world by governments such as the US and several European countries, that have been the perpetrators and supporters of the biggest wars, occupations and insecurities in West Asia for over half a century, and have backed and provided immunity to the occupying, apartheid and criminal regime of Israel above all international law and resolutions, is ridiculous,” he stated.

Kanaani asserted that the EU leaders and G7 member states should have appreciated Iran for “its proportionate and legitimate action in punishing the aggressor and stop providing blind support for the Zionist regime that threatens regional and international peace and security.”

He also called on them to “express sympathy and solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and the families of over a hundred thousand martyred, wounded and missing Palestinians as victims of six months of genocide and crimes by the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in Palestine.”

The Iranian spokesperson underlined that “the European officials and G7 member states know well that the main root cause of the crisis and instability in West Asia and, of course, on a larger scale in the world, is the occupation of Palestine and the crimes the Zionist regime has committed in the occupied territories for several decades by depriving the oppressed Palestinian people of their basic and inalienable rights.”

“Undoubtedly, turning a blind eye to the obvious facts and baseless accusations against others by the US and Europe will not resolve the problem of regional and international security,” he noted.

The spokesperson said, “If the US, the EU, and G7 member states are really after sustainable peace and stability in West Asia and the Red Sea, they need to stand up against the Zionist regime’s aggressions and bullying, instead of leveling accusations against others.”

“It is obvious that as long as there is no determination to put a halt to the Israeli regime’s crimes and the flagrant breach of international regulations by the Zionists, there will be no clear perspective on the path towards sustainable peace in the region and the world,” he warned.

The spokesperson stressed that the Iranian government and armed forces will continue to act responsibly for regional and international peace and security and will remain committed to international law and regulations.