Iran's President Denounces Western Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protests

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi censured the violent crackdown of pro-Palestine student demonstrations in Western universities, particularly in the US, saying it exposes the true nature of Western civilization.

Raisi made these remarks during a cabinet meeting on Sunday, condemning the violent suppression on anti-Zionist protests and the subsequent arrests of professors and students as "another scandal for self-proclaimed advocates of freedom of expression."

"The true nature of Western civilization has been revealed to the people of the world more than any time before, thanks to the blessed blood of the oppressed martyrs of Gaza," Raisi stated, emphasizing that those who claim to champion freedom of expression prioritize their own dominance over genuine liberties.

Highlighting the significance of the current wave of support from Western students, professors, and elites for Gaza's oppressed population, Raisi predicted profound consequences from this uprising against Western oppression and dominance.

“Undoubtedly, this uprising and awakening against (West’s) oppression and crime and domination will not be extinguished through violent practices, (as well as) beating and arresting professors and students who support the oppressed people of Gaza,” Raisi affirmed.

Raisi's remarks coincide with widespread protests in over 20 US universities and several others in Europe against the Israeli onslaught in Gaza, which has killed over 34,450 people since early last October, and left over 77,500 others injured.

Students demand that universities cut off business relationships with firms that condone Israel's atrocities in Gaza. Numerous students have been arrested and could face expulsion for their continuous protests against Israel's genocidal war, according to reports from US media outlets.

US law enforcement authorities deployed significant resources on college campuses, employing chemical irritants and Tasers to disperse protesting students condemning Israeli atrocities.

In a separate statement on Sunday, Iran's top human rights official Kazem Gharibabadi condemned the US's violent treatment of professors and students, asserting that such actions embolden Israel to perpetuate its crimes.

“Undoubtedly, the violent crackdown on student movements by the United States and other Western governments is in line with their policy of openly supporting the Zionist regime’s killings and war crimes,” Gharibabadi wrote in a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, warning that this approach would only fuel further “warmongering, genocide and crimes against humanity” in occupied territories.