Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf Resigns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Humza Yousaf resigned as Scotland’s first minister.

The move came after it became clear that he would lose two forthcoming confidence votes.

The votes were called by the opposition after Humza ended the ruling coalition between his Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens, Al Jazeera reported.

“I am not willing to trade my values and principles, or do deals with whomever, simply for retaining power,” he said during a televised announcement.

The pro-independence SNP’s fortunes have faltered amid a funding scandal and the resignation of a party leader last year, while there has been infighting over how progressive its pitch should be as it seeks to woo back voters.

Earlier this month, Yousaf said he was “quite confident” that he could win the no confidence vote called by political opponents. However by Monday, his offer of talks with other parties to bolster his minority government was looking uncertain.