Three MoUs in Agricultural Sector Inked at Iran Expo 2024

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – On the first day of the 6th Export Potential Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran dubbed “Iran Expo 2024”, three memoranda of understanding (MoUs) were signed between Iran’s Fars province and Mongolia and Russia.

Coordinating Manager of Fars Province Agricultural Organization Masoumeh Moayyedi announced this in her visit to the pavilion of Fars province at Iran Expo 2024 and noted that two memoranda of understanding (MoUs) were inked with Mongolia in the field of extraterritorial cultivation of the agricultural products and also cooperation in the field of farming and red meat industry.

One memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed with Russia in the field of packaging and exporting fresh fruits and vegetables, she stated. 

She pointed to the participation of more than 2,000 foreign traders and merchants from about 100 countries in this international event and noted that the Agricultural Organization of Fars province will unveil two mechanized systems in the field of the development of the production and value chain of the pharmaceutical plants.

This exhibition has been held in seven groups of commodity including foodstuff, agriculture and fishery, industry, petrochemical and other production groups.

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was also signed with China on the first day of the exhibition for the development of oil and gas industry.

The 6th Export Potential Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran was launched at Tehran Permanent International Fairgrounds on April 27 and will run through May 1, 2024.