Yemen's Armed Forces Carry Out Operations in Defense, Solidarity with Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen's Armed Forces have undertaken various operations in defense of their country and in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, who are facing a genocidal war by Israel, a spokesman said.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the forces' spokesman, announced these operations in a video statement on Monday.

"The forces conducted military operations against hostile warships in the Red Sea, targeting two American warships with several drones," Saree stated. He emphasized that these operations successfully achieved their objectives.

American and British warships have been attacking Yemen as a response to its strikes against Israeli vessels or ships heading to ports in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Since October 7, when the Israeli regime initiated the war, Yemeni Armed Forces have executed numerous pro-Palestinian strikes. This comes in the wake of the Israeli military onslaught that resulted in the deaths of at least 34,488 Palestinians and injuring 77,643 others.

Saree further disclosed a joint operation by various divisions of the Armed Forces, including the missile and drone forces, targeting a ship identified as "Cyclades." The vessel faced attack while sailing towards the occupied Palestinian ports in the Red Sea.

Additionally, Yemeni forces launched drones toward an Israeli ship named "MSC Orion" in the Indian Ocean. Saree affirmed that Yemen would continue its pro-Palestinian operations as long as the occupying regime persisted with its war and siege on Gaza.