Iran’s FM Stresses Littoral States’ Contribution to Persian Gulf Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian underscored the importance of participation of all Persian Gulf littoral states in ensuring security in the region.

“We believe that the security of the Persian Gulf can only be ensured with the participation of all the littoral states thereof, and in that vein, there are no exceptions nor is any country ignored, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been at the forefront of putting forth proposals and initiatives when it comes to this issue,” he wrote in a message Monday on the occasion of the Persian Gulf National Day, which is marked in Iran on the 10th day of the Iranian calendar month of Ordibehesht (April 29).

Following is the full text of his message:

In the Name of God

Persian Gulf National Day

I would like to express my pleasure with the ceremony marking the Persian Gulf National Day. Celebrating this important day actually means honoring the national identity of Iranians, so I congratulate the audience and all Iranians on this great occasion.

The Persian Gulf is an eternal name and a world heritage. In the history of Iran, the tenth of Ordibehesht reminds everyone of the sacrifices made by brave people who, with their efforts, marked the end of the Portuguese occupation and colonization on the southern coast after many years.

The Persian Gulf serves as a unique area for communication between Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and from a strategic point of view, it is part of an important global communication system that includes the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. It goes without saying that the Persian Gulf is important in historical, civilizational, geographical and cultural terms as well as from various economic, political, transportation, energy and geopolitical perspectives. That is why this body of water is highly significant for the entire world.

The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that security is a complex, multiple, multi-dimensional and inseparable concept that will be realized only with collective cooperation and through strengthening links and creating political, economic and social mechanisms. In this regard, we believe that the security of the Persian Gulf can only be ensured with the participation of all the littoral states thereof, and in that vein, there are no exceptions nor is any country ignored, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been at the forefront of putting forth proposals and initiatives when it comes to this issue.

In light of the common values and ties with the people of the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been ready to work with them and provide its capacities and advantages with the aim of helping with the sustainable development of the Persian Gulf in all areas, from environmental phenomena and tourism to military security and economic relations. I would like to once again stress that our country, having extensive God-given possibilities and having made huge achievements in various fields, is ready to put these successes at the service of peace, stability, development and progress of the region and its long-lasting common values.

Although the name “Persian Gulf” is associated with Iran and Iranians, at the same time, it is a place for its eternal neighbors and a home to all the nations around it. Therefore, in line with the 13th Iranian government’s balanced foreign policy, dynamic diplomacy and intelligent interaction, and given the fact that it has made the three principles of honor, wisdom and expediency as the pillars of its activities, Tehran considered redefining and reorganizing ties with neighbors. Iran also showed, not in word but in action, that it diligently seeks to transform the Persian Gulf into a hub of policy of neighborliness, peace and stability in the region through interaction and dialogue between the two coasts of this body of water.

Dear participants, an important aspect that is unique to the Persian Gulf today is the fighting spirit of its brave coast dwellers who do not tolerate the occupation and presence of foreigners. Most of the problems in the Persian Gulf stem from the intervention and presence of foreign powers in the region who have a superficial, false and profiteering understanding of its developments. The intervention and role of extraregional countries not only did not bring stability and security to the people of this region, but it also turned peaceful cooperation to confrontation and disunity.

While the US and the West are seeking to sell more and way more diverse weapons to the regional countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran has sought to connect the south of this historical area with Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Black Sea through self-reliance, political rationality, responsible behavior and friendly relations in order to take into account the interests of all the nations in the region.

Iran, as a great and powerful player, relies on its huge capacities and faith in the potential capabilities of the Persian Gulf and the assets of the countries in the region. Hence, Iran has full confidence to help with the progress and excellence of the Muslim nations of the region. Let's not forget that we have lived together for centuries despite all our cultural, linguistic, racial, religious and intellectual distinctions and differences, and for sure, we must leave a common destiny, that is, peaceful coexistence and social solidarity, for our future generations.

Now, having understood and studied this experience, the Islamic Republic of Iran intends to propose a local model for the stability and security of the strategic region of West Asia in consultation and cooperation with its neighbors. From this perspective, the Iranian Foreign Ministry is ready to enrich the desired conceptual approach in consensus with other sides and by receiving the constructive views of research centers and well-known scholars of regional countries.

Today, while we are honoring the eternal name of the Persian Gulf, important developments are taking place around us, especially in the Levant, which has a historical connection with the Persian Gulf. Defending Palestine and causing the Zionist regime’s war to abate, will certainly have positive ramifications for the important and strategic region of the Persian Gulf.

As the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I hope that the Persian Gulf will always be safe, stable and prosperous and be a peaceful region for people in its north and south.

I believe that thanks to the active participation of all experts and scholars and through reasoned discussions and comprehensive exchange of views at this conference, the event will achieve its high goals which is to strengthen the national interests and cultural and historical identity of Iran and to preserve them.

In the end, I would like to thank all those involved in this ceremony, especially the valued researchers and professors who have worked hard to mark this great day.

Iranian Foreign Minister

Hossein Amirabdollahian