UNRWA Condemns Israel's 'Medieval Siege' of Gaza as Humanitarian Crisis Escalates

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The UNRWA denounced the Israeli regime’s tactics in Gaza as a "medieval siege" and "scorched earth" policy, warning of dire consequences for the already-struggling population as supplies dwindle and bombardments persist.

Sam Rose, planning director at the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), voiced grave concerns over the humanitarian situation in Gaza, stating that no supplies have entered the Gaza Strip since Sunday, leaving the region on the brink of a crisis. He highlighted the impact of the ongoing bombardments, particularly in the center of Rafah city.

“No aid has come into Gaza now since Sunday. No aid, no fuel, no supplies, nothing," Rose emphasized during an interview with Al Jazeera from Rafah. "We have a few more days of flour that we can provide. But everything else will start to shut down very soon without fuel, without water. So the situation is really desperate."

Rose painted a bleak picture of the situation on the ground, with widespread fear and displacement among the population. He noted that as of the previous night, approximately 110,000 people from Rafah had been displaced, highlighting the urgency of the crisis.

“These are populations that are already on the brink of famine who are now being subjected to a medieval siege coupled with scorched earth and heavy bombardment," Rose added, emphasizing the dire consequences of the current situation. "Already desperate conditions will get worse and we will see multitudes of casualties. Not just from the bombing. But the hunger, the disease and the starvation.”

The UNRWA reported a significant exodus of Palestinians from Rafah since Israel intensified its attacks on the city on Monday. With some 110,000 Palestinians fleeing, the agency warned of the pervasive threat of Israeli attacks, underscoring the lack of safety across Gaza.

Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7 have inflicted a devastating toll, with at least 34,904 lives lost and 78,514 people wounded, underscoring the immense human cost of the ongoing Israeli genocidal war.