Overuse of Supplements by Men Considered an Eating Disorder

Overuse of Supplements by Men Considered an Eating Disorder

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Men who use powdered supplements laced with proteins to help bulk up are acting under psychological pressures that are similar to those found in people who have eating disorders, indicates the results of a new study.

As with a large number of people who suffer disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, men who are body-conscious are using these supplements to replace full meals, as they attempt to attain what in their mind is the perfect body.

Protein powder is the supplement most popularly consumed by men at gyms. Some of the supplements claim to deliver amino acids to the cells of the muscle following a workout, which helps them to repair as well as grow.

The protein powder is part of a broader supplement industry, which has been forecasted to be worth more than $730 million annually within the next three years.

The recent study, reported by Times Gazette on Saturday, surveyed 195 men who were 18 to 65 years of age and who had used legal supplements, such as creatine and whey protein.

The participants answered question on a myriad of topics including eating habits, level of use of supplements and self-esteem.

Researchers found that 40% of the men increased their supplement intake over a period of time, while 22% said they regularly had replaced meals with the supplements that are recommended not to be used to replace any meals.

Even more alarmingly said doctors, was that 29% of the men admitted to be worried by the amount of their supplement consumption. Another 8% said they were advised to cut back on supplements by a medical care provider.

When researchers viewed the information next to diagnostic indicators used for diagnosing eating disorders, they found a very strong correlation.

The researchers were concerned that the men were becoming hooked on their supplements. They suggested that society needs to become more attuned to pressures that push men into the risky use of these types of supplements.

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