IRGC Navy Fit to Counter US Forces: Commander

IRGC Navy Fit to Counter US Forces: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy commander said the capabilities of his forces suffice for “any action” against the US naval fleet, noting that the threats posed by the others would be “meaningless” in comparison.

Speaking to Al-Alam Arabic language news network, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said the IRGC naval forces are capable enough to counter the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.

If the US is known as a threat with the degree of 100, a threat posed by Saudi Arabia will amount to 10 or even 5, the commander explained.

When the IRGC has the power to deal with the “Great Satan”, then the “tiny devils” will not be a matter of concern, he added.

Back on Saturday, IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari had also expressed readiness for any military encounter with Saudi Arabia.

The top general said his forces are ready to show rapid and harsh reaction to make Saudi Arabia accountable after the Kingdom’s mismanagement of Hajj claimed the lives of hundreds of Iranian pilgrims.

Major General Jafari said the IRGC is fully prepared to act under orders from Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

Earlier on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei warned Riyadh that any disrespect for the Iranian Hajj pilgrims or its failure to repatriate the bodies of those killed in the Mina crush will draw Iran’s “severe and tough reaction".

Following the straightforward warning, Saudis began to cooperate with the Iranian officials and have repatriated bodies of some of the victims.

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