Deputy FM: No Decision on Presence of Parliament's Observer in N. Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian deputy foreign minister said on Sunday that the country's top officials have not decided on the lawmakers' proposal to send an observer member to nuclear talks with the six world powers.

“This is a new and unprecedented issue,” Deputy Foreign Minister for Parliamentary and Iranian Expatriates Affairs Hassan Qashqavi told Tasnim News Agency, reacting to a proposal offered by some members of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Affairs Commission.

He added that the new proposal must be studied by the top officials, including those at the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC).

The Iranian Foreign Ministry had on September 24 said that it was ready to study a proposal by lawmakers to send an observer member to nuclear talks with the six world powers.

The issue was raised by a member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, but it is still a suggestion, Qashqavi told Tasnim News Agency at the time.

“The foreign ministry has still not received a written request in this regard... but due to the sensitivities of the nuclear issue, this suggestion needs to be studied further,” Qashqavi added.

Top diplomats from Iran and the G5+1, also known as P5+1, which includes the five permanent members of the UN Security Council --Russia, China, the US, Britain and France-- as well as Germany are to meet in the Swiss city of Geneva on October 15 and 16 to discuss Iran's nuclear program.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will head the Iranian delegation, but sources close to the Iranian team revealed earlier that Zarif will be present in the negotiations only if other parties are represented by their foreign ministers.

The team of Iranian negotiators will include Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi, Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi, Foreign Ministry's Director-General for the Economic and Specialized International Affairs Hamid Ba'eedinejad, Foreign Minister's Legal Adviser Davoud Mohammadnia, and Mohammad Amiri from the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

Some sources have quoted Araqchi as saying he will lead the Iranian team in the talks with European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and representatives from the G5+1 countries.