Iran’s FM Stresses Closer Ties with EU

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday called for enhanced relations between Iran and the European Union.

Zarif held separate meetings with new ambassadors of Albania, Latvia, Fiji and the Philippines to Iran.

In his meetings with new accredited ambassadors of Albania and Latvia to Iran, the Iranian foreign minister underlined that there are extensive grounds for cooperation between Iran and the EU countries, including Albania and Latvia.

He also highlighted the Iranian government’s approach of constructive interaction with other countries.

Iran’s top diplomat referred to the commonalities and the long-time friendly relations between Iran and Albania, hoping for further expansion of ties between Tehran and Tirana.

In meeting with Latvia’s new envoy, Zarif voiced Tehran’s readiness for enhancing bilateral ties with Riga.

He also stressed Latvia’s important role in development of Iran-EU relations, especially given that the country will assume EU’s rotating presidency as of next year.

The ambassadors of Albania and Latvia in their meeting with Zarif underscored the EU countries’ willingness to boost relations with Tehran.

Latvia’s envoy hoped that during his country’s EU presidency, the bloc’s ties with Iran will develop in bilateral and multilateral dimensions.

Relations between Iran and the European Union have improved in recent months after Tehran and the sextet of world powers signed an interim agreement on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program on November 24, 2013.

Based on the interim deal signed in the Swiss city of Geneva between Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany), the world powers agreed to suspend some non-essential sanctions and to impose no new nuclear-related bans in return for Tehran’s decision to suspend its 20% enrichment for a period of six months.

The EU has already suspended some of the sanctions it had imposed on Iran.