Somali Minister Resigns after Militants Kill 10 in Parliament Explosion

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Somalia's national security minister has resigned in the wake of an attack by Al Shabaab militants on the country's parliament, in which 10 people were killed.

Nine attackers, carrying machine guns and prepared to die, raided the parliament building on Saturday in one of the most brazen attacks in recent weeks.

The attackers detonated their first explosives-packed vehicle to open up the gate, then they stormed the building shooting their way in. what followed was a five hour gun fighting and two more explosions, CNTV reported.

Shortly after the situation was contained, Somalia’s minister of national security Abdikareem Hussein Guled resigned citing difficult times the country was facing.

This morning, Prime Minister Ahmed accepted Hussein’s resignation and investigations were ordered to look into the security breach that might have led to the attack on parliament.