Parliament Approves Iran-China Cooperation against Organized Crimes
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian parliament approved a bill on a cooperation agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and China on combating transnational organized crimes.
During an open session of the Iranian parliament on Sunday morning, lawmakers passed the bill with 180 votes in favor, 10 votes against and 10 abstentions.
The bill has an introduction and 12 articles on combating transnational organized crimes.
Under the agreement, the governments of Iran and China will cooperate in various security areas, including confronting international terrorism, production and trafficking of the narcotic and synthetic drugs, smuggling of goods, including historical and cultural objects, money laundering, counterfeiting banknotes, securities, and credit cards, forgery of passports, visas and other valuable documents, trafficking of firearms, ammunition, explosives, flammable materials, hazardous chemicals for fireworks, toxic materials, nuclear and other radioactive materials, illegal organized transfer of individuals across national borders, human trafficking, fraud, cybercrimes and other transnational crimes.
According to the agreement, the Ministry of Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China are responsible for implementing the agreement.