Singaporean Speaker Calls for Expansion of Tehran-Singapore Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of the Singapore Parliament Halimah Yacob on Sunday asked for closer relations between her country and Iran.

Speaking in a meeting with Iranian lawmaker Gholam Reza Mesbahi Moqaddam, Yacob, who heads a high-ranking delegation of the Asian country to Iran, said growing interactions between the two countries’ officials could help in improving bilateral ties.  

She added that Singapore’s parliament is prepared to develop parliamentary cooperation with the Islamic Republic.

Mesbahi Moqaddam, who heads the Iran-Singapore Parliamentary Friendship Group, for his part, highlighted the need for expansion of relations between Tehran and Singapore in different areas.

He also said there are many potentials in the two countries’ economic and trade sectors for upgrading bilateral economic relations.

Earlier in February, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a meeting with his Singaporean counterpart said the two countries can expand relations in various political, economic, and cultural areas as well as in tourism and education.