Spread of Extremism in Region Serves Objectives of Zionists: Spokeswoman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The spokeswoman for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday that a growing trend in violence and extremism in the region, which originates from Syria's "engineered crisis", serves the objectives and aggressive schemes of Zionism.

Marziyeh Afkham strongly condemned the terrorist acts in different parts of the Lebanese Republic which she said are "committed by the stooges of Zionist regime of Israel."

“It goes without saying that the regional nations, particularly the Lebanese resistant people, will maintain unity and national solidarity and with a strong resolution, they will neutralize the plots of the Zionist regime which are hatched under the guise of extremism and sectarianism,” Afkham added.

On Monday night, a car bombing in the southern neighborhood of Tayouneh in the Lebanese capital of Beirut killed a security officer at a checkpoint and injured at least 19 people.