Iraq to Clear Diyala Province of ISIL Terrorists in Coming Days: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iraqi commander announced that the country’s military forces and volunteer fighters have launched clean-up operations against terrorists in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala.

Joint forces of the Dijla Operations Command conducted a military operation in Deli Abbas, Diyala, killing 12 ISIL armed members, Iraqi Staff Lieutenant General Abdulamir al-Zaidi, who is the commander of the Dijla Operations, was quoted by Alsumaria news channel as saying.

“Security forces together with volunteer forces as well as the Air Force are proceeding to clear other districts of Diyala of the ISIL terrorists and the province will be fully cleared in the coming days,” he added.

Meantime, the Iraqi army, backed by thousands of tribal and volunteer fighters, have retaken full control of the northern city of Tikrit from the ISIL terrorist group on Saturday, according to Al-Alam news network.

In the assault, army forces attacked the positions of the takfiri militants from four different directions. The latest development could facilitate the Iraqi army’s advance towards Baiji and Mosul.

Meanwhile, an unspecified number of militants were killed and at least 20 vehicles belonging to the terrorists destroyed during the latest round of operations near the city of Samarra.

In another development, the ISIL militants overrunning northern Iraq kidnapped dozens of civilians and destroyed several places of worship.