Syrian Army Regains Control over Areas in Aleppo, Hasaka, Latakia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Syrian army restored security and stability to Zgharo village and tightened control over Zgharo mountain in Latakia countryside, killing and injuring scores of terrorists.

In Aleppo, the Syrian army also foiled terrorists’ infiltration attempt towards safe areas in al-Ashrafiyeh after it had regained control over the towns of Moqbleh, Rahmaneya and Kfar Sagheer in the province.

In Hasaka, the Syrian military killed dozens of ISIL (The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) terrorists, regaining control over 5 towns in Qamishli countryside.

The Syrian army further continued its operations in Damascus, Daraa and Idlib, killing scores of militants, Al-Manar reported.