Widespread Fraud Reported in Afghanistan Runoff Vote

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Two days after the election officials started investigating complaints fraud in Afghanistan's presidential election, massive rigging has been reported in the country's southern provinces.

Afghan Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) emphasized on Monday that there are valid documents supporting fraud complaints in several provinces including Panjshir, Parwan, Kapisa, and Maidan Warak.

In Kapisa Province, President Hamid Karzai’s adviser Sourkhan has been accused of stealing the votes in favor of the presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani, ECC announced.

Ever since Afghans voted in the runoff elections back in June, the political system has been deadlocked by allegations of widespread fraud. The presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah has consistently complained that his opponent, Ashraf Ghani, rigged the vote with the help of the commission and other Afghan officials.

The two candidates, Abdullah and Ghani, have clashed over the vote, and refusal by either of them to accept the outcome could plunge Afghanistan into dangerous crisis and split the country along ethnic lines.