Iran Welcomes Afghanistan Unity Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday welcomed a unity deal between Afghanistan’s rival presidential candidates, and voiced the Islamic Republic’s preparedness to cooperate with the new Afghan government.

In a statement on Sunday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry hailed what it called a “sign of great political maturity of Afghan elites and people” after rival presidential candidates, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, signed a treaty to create government of national unity.

The deal that shares power between the two politicians ends months of turmoil over a disputed election that destabilized Afghanistan.

“As Afghanistan’s neighbor and permanent supporter, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always backed peace, stability and security under an inclusive and strong government with the participation of that country’s whole ethnicities and groups,” the statement added.

It also noted that the deal to form a unity government reveals Afghanistan’s capability to find a way out of its internal problems.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry further expressed the hope that the compromise would be sustainable and prepare the ground for Afghanistan’s security, calm and prosperity.