Iran Not to Let Any Country Interfere in Tehran-Baghdad Relations: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Iran will not allow other countries to interfere in its ties with neighboring Iraq.

The Islamic Republic has helped and will continue to help Iraq without seeking permission from anyone and will not allow anyone to interfere in the relations between the two countries, Rouhani said Wednesday in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

He described Iran and Iraq as two neighboring and brotherly countries with shared culture and described the security and stability of Iraq as Iran’s security and stability.  

Iran’s chief executive further referred to the formation of a US-led coalition against the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and said the move was based on political games and temporary gains.

He also stressed that any strikes against terrorists in a country should be carried out based on the request or permission of that country’s government.

The US, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates began airstrikes on the ISIL targets in Syria on Monday.

Using a mix of manned aircraft -fighter jets and bombers- plus Tomahawk cruise missiles, the strikes were part of the expanded military campaign that US President Barack Obama authorized nearly two weeks ago in order to disrupt and destroy the ISIL militants.
Iran and a number of other countries have criticized the air raids, saying that they violate international laws.

During the meeting with Rouhani, Haider al-Abadi described terrorism as a threat to all countries and praised Iran’s assistance to Iraq against the advance of terrorists in the country.

He also underlined that Baghdad attaches importance to ties with Tehran.