Non-Oil Exports High Priority: Iran’s VP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian first Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri said the administration regards increasing non-oil exports as a determining factor in countering economic stagnation in the country.

Boosting non-oil exports has always emerged as a duty for successive Iranian administrations for development of the country, Jahangiri said in a Wednesday meeting in Tehran, held to explore the ways for promotion of non-oil exports.

President Rouhani’s administration is also resolved to turn exports into one of the country’s primary issues and adopt the necessary measures to raise the volume of exports, said the iranian vice president.

He noted that the issue of non-oil exports is of greater significance as it plays a prominent role in driving the country out of stagnation.

“There are big markets in the neighboring states for the Iranian exporters and we should set the stage for the development of the country’s non-oil exports by creation of credit line for the target countries,” Jahangiri stated.

Back in August, an official with the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said the country had exported $ 8.1 billion worth of non-oil commodities, excluding gas condensate, in three months.