Date, Venue for Nuclear Talks Not Set: Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday that nothing has been decided so far on an exact date or venue for the next round of nuclear talks between Tehran and six major world powers.

“The time and location of the future negotiations between Iran and the Group 5+1 has not been determined yet,” Marziyeh Afkham told reporters in her weekly press conference on Wednesday.

In November, top diplomats from Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) wrapped up a week of intensive nuclear talks in Austria’s Vienna.

The two sides have decided to extend talks on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program for more seven months in the hope of clinching a final nuclear deal.

Western sources had already fueled speculation that possible venues for the next round of diplomatic talks could include Vienna and Oman.

Elsewhere in her comments, Afkham described the process of negotiations as “quite transparent and definite.”

She also quashed the speculation that the two sides had already come to a compromise before the most recent round of diplomacy in Vienna, dismissing as “incorrect” reports on any agreement prior to talks.

“The two sides’ views have gotten much closer in the course of talks," she noted, but at the same time added that it does not mean that no division exists.