Iran’s Larijani Calls for Regional Coordination to Combat Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said concerted efforts by the regional countries would be helpful in preventing the spread of terrorism.

In a Wednesday meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Tehran, Larijani said the spread of terrorism has targeted security and stability in the region, calling for regional cooperation and coordination to contain the ominous phenomenon.

He described the air strikes by the so-called anti-ISIL coalition which is led by the US as ineffective, stressing that regional collaboration would be much more helpful in preventing the growth of terrorism and extremism in the region.

Since mid-August, the US and its allies have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) inside Iraq and Syria without any authorization from Damascus or a UN mandate.

The terrorist groups made swift advances in northern and western Iraq over the summer, after capturing large swaths of northern Syria.

The anti-ISIL coalition’s air attacks have so far proven unsuccessful.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Larijani referred to the cultural and religious ties between Iran and Turkey and said there is potential for further expanding bilateral relations.

Cavusoglu, for his part, stressed Ankara’s willingness to develop ties with the Islamic Republic.

He also said that air strikes alone are not enough for fighting terrorist groups and that cooperation among all regional government is necessary for tackling the problems created by ISIL.