Iranian Army Monitors All Moves along, beyond Borders: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Iranian Army Ground Force Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan underscored full intelligence control over what happens along and even beyond the country's borders.

"The Army's intelligence experts monitor every move along the country's borders and beyond, and the defense capacities are adjusted proportional to them," Pourdastan said on Friday night.

The Army Ground Force's primary measures, he noted, include protection of the borders and fight on smuggling of arms and ammunition.

Pourdastan added that patrolling the border areas with helicopters and cleansing areas contaminated with explosive devices are among the force's other activities.

In a statement on April 7, the Iranian Armed Forces General Staff underlined that the country's forces are "vigilant" and fully prepared to repel any threat.

It said that in case of any aggression against Iran, the armed forces will give the enemies a lesson and make them regret their move.