Bahraini Opposition Calls for Immediate End to Saudi War on Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Bahrain's February 14 Youth Coalition, a major opposition group, decried the continued Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen and called for an immediate end to the aggression, which has killed hundreds of civilians in the impoverished country so far.

"We condemn the offensive (against Yemen) by Saudis and their mercenary allies who are committing these acts (of aggression) as proxy for the US and the Zionists," February 14 Youth Coalition, said in a statement.

Pointing to an announcement by Riyadh that a five-day humanitarian ceasefire will begin on May 12, conditioned on Houthis agreeing to the pause, the Bahraini opposition bloc said it is the Al Saud that has begun the war and now it should end its aggression and killing of the Yemeni people.

On March 26, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies began to launch deadly air strikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

The Saudi-led coalition announced on April 21 that its military operation "Decisive Storm" has ended, but hours later, air strikes and ground fighting resumed.

According to a report by the Freedom House Institution in Yemen, the death toll from the Saud-led war on the Arabian Peninsula country has reached 3,553 people.

The report said 6,271 people have also been injured since the beginning of the Saudi regime's attacks on the country.