Iran’s Policy toward US to Remain Unchanged: Ayatollah Khamenei

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei made it clear on Saturday that Iran’s policy toward the US will remain unchanged regardless of the ultimate fate of the text prepared in the talks over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

There will be no change in the policy of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic establishment toward the US, whatever happens to the text compiled after long and intensive talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany), Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to a large congregation of people after leading Eid al-Fitr prayers here in Tehran on Saturday.

“We will not hold any negotiation with the US over the bilateral, regional and global issues, unless in exceptional cases, such as the nuclear (talks) that has also happened in the past,” the Leader stressed.

Imam Khamenei pointed to the fundamental gaps between Iran’s policies and those of the US, and lashed out at Washington for "supporting the terrorist and child-murderer Zionist regime and describing the Lebanese Hezbollah (resistance) fighters as terrorists."

“Our policies and those of the US in the region are 180 degree different, so how could it be possible to enter dialogue and negotiations with them (Americans)?” the Leader asked.

Ayatollah Khamenei then underscored that Iran will never let anybody to misuse the text prepared and agreed upon after diplomatic talks on July 14.

“Either the prepared text is ratified or not, we will not allow anybody to damage the basic principles of the Islamic establishment,” the Supreme Leader noted.

The Leader also gave an assurance that Iran will keep strengthening its defense capabilities despite the enemies’ focus on the issue and the existing atmosphere of threat (created by enemies).

“By God’s grace, the country’s defense capabilities and security will be safeguarded and the Islamic Republic will never give in to the excessive demands of the enemies.”

Imam Khamenei further noted that Iran’s backing for its regional allies will also remain in place.

“Either the prepared text (of the nuclear talks) is ratified following legal processes inside the country or not, the Iranian nation won’t give up supporting the oppressed nations of Palestine, Yemen, Bahrain, as well as the nations and governments of Syria and Iraq and the sincere fighters of Lebanon and Palestine,” the Leader explained.

The Leader then touched on the propaganda campaign the American officials have launched against Iran over its nuclear program, describing that as a ploy to settle their own internal problems.

One of the issues the American politicians have raised in recent days was their push to stop production of nuclear weapons in Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said.

“We have issued a fatwa on the prohibition of production of nuclear weapons on the basis of Islamic tenets years ago… but the Americans are lying in their propaganda… and claim that their threat has prevented the production of Iran’s nuclear weapon, although they sometimes acknowledge the significance of that fatwa,” Imam Khamenei underlined.

The Leader then branded Iran’s surrender to the US “an impossible dream”, saying all five US presidents after victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 had talked about the Iranian nation’s surrender.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on the US officials to learn lessons from the past and stop making mistakes, so that the American authorities in the future would not have to admit to Washington’s current faults.

The Leader also highlighted the increasing “might” of the Iranian nation, adding, “It is almost 12 years that the world’s six major countries have been trying to prevent Iran from pursuing the nuclear industry… but today, they have been forced to accept and stand the spinning of thousands of centrifuges and continuation of research and development in Iran, and it has no meaning but the Iranian nation’s might.”

Ayatollah Khamenei finally paid tribute to the martyred nuclear scientists for their courage and innovation and to the Iranian nation for its resistance in defending its rights.