Syrian Media Figure: Enemies Seeking to Disintegrate Syria through War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A prominent Syrian media figure said enemies of Syria are seeking to divide the Arab country into smaller states.

Speaking at a meeting with Tasnim’s Managing Director Majid Qolizadeh in Tehran on Saturday, Director General of the General Establishment of Radio and Television Ramez Terjman pointed to over 4 years of conflict in Syria and said, “The war is aimed at dividing Syria into smaller and ethnic-based states that would be in permanent disputes.”

He said cooperation between Iran and Syria should be increased in a bid to properly deal with changing developments and handle future challenges of anti-Israel Resistance Front, mainly Iran, Syria and the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement.

He thanked Iranian nation and government for their continued support for the Syrian nation and government in their resistance against enemies.

He further reiterated that the ongoing developments in the region is in line with the Zionist regime of Israel’s interest, and noted that Palestine is the main problem of Islamic world since the Zionist regime is the main enemy of Muslim nations.