Iran Ready to Help Resolve Yemen Crisis: Deputy FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian called Saudi-led attacks on Yemen a great mistake, and reiterated Tehran's preparedness to provide help in resolving the crisis in the war-hit country.

Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of nine Arab states, began carrying out airstrikes in the neighboring Yemen on 26 March 2015, in a bid to restore power to exiled former President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Amir Abdollahian criticized the countries that have incited violence in the region through their interferences and militarization, saying the security of all Middle Eastern countries are effective on that of each other.

“Saudi Arabia’s military attack on Yemen was a total mistake,” he said in a Monday meeting with a group of Lebanese political figures and party members who are visiting the Iranian capital of Tehran.

Tehran has always emphasized political solution as the way out of crises in the region, Amir Abdollahian reaffirmed, saying that Iran is ready to help resolve the crisis in Yemen.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has always tried to increase regional stability and security, and is opposed to any move that causes instability in the region,” the Iranian official noted.

The Saudi-led intervention has come under fire from human rights groups for not protecting civilians and causing widespread destruction. UK-based Amnesty International said in a report this month that the campaign had left a "bloody trail of civilian death" which could amount to war crimes.

Over 4,300 people have been killed in five months of war in Yemen while disease and suffering in the already impoverished country have spread.