Not in My Name: Muslims Hold Peace Rallies in Italy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of Muslims rallied in Rome and Milan on Saturday to show solidarity with the victims of extremist attacks, condemning violence in the name of religion and chanting "we are not the enemy".

"The message is clear, terrorism cannot continue to attack everywhere in the name of Muslims. We want the whole world to listen," Abdellah Redouane, head of the Islamic Cultural Center in Rome, said at the demonstration in the capital.

"The Quran is against violence", "Islam is peace" and "Solidarity with Paris victims" were written on banners held up by members of the Muslim community, who gathered in the rain in a square in central Rome under a heavy police guard.

The rally, under the slogan "Not in my name", began with a minute's silence for the victims of the attacks on Parisian nightspots last week which left 130 people dead, AFP reported.

In Milan, where security has been ramped up following fears of an attack on landmarks like the famous Scala opera house, people chanted "No to ISIS", which claimed the France attacks.

"No to terrorism, yes to mosques," said Davide Piccardo from Caim, an umbrella organization of Islamic societies, calling for a greater understanding and openness in Italy towards Islam and "a crackdown on worrying Islamophobia".