People in Bahrain Stage New Rallies against Sheikh Nimr’s Execution

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Bahraini people once again taken to the streets in the Persian Gulf kingdom in protest against Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

The protests took place after Friday prayers in several regions, including the villages of Karzakan, Ma'ameer, Hamalah, Diraz, Sanabis and Dair.

The protesters held pictures of Sheikh Nimr and banners in condemnation of the Saudi and Bahraini regimes.

Meantime, the al-Khalifah regime’s forces fired tear gas and birdshots at the defied young people in Nuwaidrat village and Sitra Island, Press TV reported.

The Friday’s protests were the latest in a series of similar demonstrations that have turned violent following the execution of Sheikh Nimr earlier this month.

Meanwhile, civil societies also held a stand-in-protest in the city of Tyre in southern Lebanon in condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s execution of Sheikh Nimr, Lebanese sources said.

On January 2, the Saudi Interior Ministry announced that Sheikh Nimr had been put to death along with 46 others who were convicted of being involved in “terrorism.”

The cleric’s execution has drawn strong public and political reactions around the world.