Kerry Hopes for Clarity on Syria Talks within 24 to 48 Hours

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - US Secretary of State John Kerry said he hoped for "clarity" within 24 to 48 hours on Syrian talks that were supposed to have started in Geneva on Monday, and that it was better to delay a few days than to have them crumble at the start.

Kerry told reporters on a visit to Laos he agreed with the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura that invitations for the talks should not be sent out until "you have pieces lined up."

The future of the talks was in the hands of the Syrian parties, he added.

"They have to be serious. If they are not serious, war will continue. Up to them - you can lead a horse to water; you can't make it drink," Kerry said, Reuters reported.

"We have created a framework; the Syrians have the ability to decide the future of Syria. We will have to see what decision Staffan makes as to exactly how he is going to begin; but we don't want to decide and have it crumble on day one. It's worth taking a day or two, or three, or whatever."

The Syrian government has said it is ready to attend, but the opposition's High Negotiation Committee, which groups political and armed opponents of President Bashar Assad, has said it will not.

Kerry said he hoped for "clarity" within 24 to 48 hours.

Kerry said another meeting of the International Syria Support Group, of countries supporting the Syria peace process, had been "tentatively" called for Feb. 11.