Turkey’s Provocative Military Actions Could Jeopardize Syria Ceasefire: Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkey’s “provocative” military buildup on the border and shelling of the Syrian territory could thwart the truce and disrupt the peace process in the Arab Republic, said the head of the Russian ceasefire monitoring center Lt. Gen. Sergey Kuralenko.

Turkey is strengthening its military positions on the border with Syria and is concentrating armored vehicles in the area, Lieutenant General Kuralenko said, denouncing these moves as “obviously provocative steps that could lead to a breakdown of the ceasefire and the peace process in the Syrian Arab Republic.”

The Russian military has examined footage taken by a Russian TV crew near the Syrian city of Tel Abyad located not far from the Turkish border, which demonstrated Ankara’s military “organizing firing positions and concentrating armored vehicles near the border,” Kuralenko said, Russia Today reported.

Meanwhile Turkish artillery fired at least 50 rounds at alleged Daesh (ISIL) targets north of Aleppo as part of the US-led coalition's offensive, according to local media reports.

The truce in Syria is generally being observed, the Lt. Gen. added, noting however that terrorist groups shelled populated areas at least seven times on Monday.

“In general, the truce between the governmental troops and the opposition forces on the territory of the Syrian Arab republic holds,” he said adding that a Russian center in Latakia monitors the situation in the six Syrian provinces of Hama, Homs, Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo and Deraa on a 24-hour basis.

“Within the last 24 hours, officers from the Russian [ceasefire monitoring] center as well as Syrian government forces and self-defense forces recorded seven cases of terrorist groups shelling Syrian residential areas,” he told journalists.

Kuralenko said that Al-Nusra militants attacked Syrian Kurdish positions in Aleppo province using artillery, while Daesh terrorists continued shelling the road between the cities of Hama and Aleppo, making the “delivery of humanitarian aid to Aleppo and nearby provinces impossible.”

The Lieutenant General stressed that governmental forces and the opposition achieved “significant progress” in the reconciliation process in four Syrian provinces, although he did not mention them by name.

The head of the Russian ceasefire monitoring center also discussed the first results of the truce with his US counterpart and they both expressed satisfaction with the joint efforts. “We discussed the first results of the ceasefire and signified satisfaction with the concerted efforts,” Kuralenko told journalists referring to a telephone conversation with representatives of the US ceasefire monitoring center in Amman.

In the meantime, Russian aircraft carried out several airstrikes against Al-Nusra front militants to “stabilize the situation” in the regions north of the city of Aleppo, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Al-Nusra extremists were shelling the Syrian army positions from the Narb-Nafsa village located north of Aleppo. In response, Russian Air Space Forces “carried out missile and bomb attacks against… Al Nusra units in the region and hit positions of terrorists near Narb-Nafsa…” the statement said.